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Jan 09, 2021

New Year, Healthier Smile

New Year, New Smile. Dedicate 2021 to having a healthy dental routine!

Girl smiling at the dentists


Dedicate 2021 to having a healthy dental routine!  Our first tip to building an effective dental routine is purchasing a new toothbrush. Bristles can become worn over time and will become less effective at cleaning your teeth.

Other Dental Routine Tips:

  • Floss daily. Flossing can get debris left in between teeth!
  • Schedule regular dental visits. You should schedule a dental appointment every 6 months. However, this can vary depending on your specific dental needs.
  • Switch to sugarless gum! This can help prevent tooth decay.

Don’t forget to set reminders in your calendar for all upcoming dental appointments and to set additional reminders when it is time to change your toothbrush.

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